Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December ALREADY?!?!?!?!

Wow! So it has been three months since my last post!!! - __- What a slacker! Lots has happened over the past three months so I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures to sum it all up!

Collin turned ONE! He is such a handful...such a BOY! He's got the sweetest little personalty. He's mischeivious but sweet, naughty but's a dangerous combination! He is still our best eater. The plate of food he devoured on Thanksgiving was incredible. He talks a lot...can say/sign several things now. His favorite movie is Rio and he sings "Riiiiooooo Riiiiooooo"'s incredibly cute! He also sings the grumpy old troll song from Dora. He makes a lot of goofy sounds...I guess it's a boy thing. He loves dogs and birds. Here are a few pictures of our big ONE year old BOY:

Madeline is just such a BIG girl! She is loving her preschool program at St. Adelaide and is just adorable in her little uniform. We've been super busy with Halloween parties, Thanksgiving Feasts and now getting ready to celebrate Christmas! Maddie is still our little entertainer and I just love listening to her sing. She's got so much passion and emotion :-) Our big girl also learned to ride her bike without training wheels this month! She picked it up so quickly...we were amazed! Looks like someone may be getting a big girl bike from Santa this year ;-) Here are a few pictures and videos of our Mads:

Friday, September 9, 2011

10 months and counting...

We are smack dab in the middle of Collin's 10th month of life and are amazed at the fact that he will be ONE in six short weeks. I'm already brainstorming ideas for his big Halloween Birthday Bash and can't wait! I love the fact that I have a Halloween baby. Collin has really started communicating with us over the past 2-3 weeks. He now says Mama, Dada, Baba, Sissy, bye-bye, more, and ball. He waves hello and goodbye, signs "all done" when he is finished eating and shakes his head no when he disapproves of something. He still eats like a little piggy and I have yet to find a food he does not like...he eats EVERYTHING...even spinach! Maddie could take a few pointers from her baby brother as far as veggies are concerned :-/ He has started taking a few steps here and there, but crawling is still his prefered method of getting from point A to point B...I am absolutely FINE with this. His favorite thing to do is climb. A couple weeks ago, he climbed out of his crib in the middle of the night.... He loves stairs, steps, boxes, chairs...pretty much anything he can get on top of. He loves being outside...LOVES it. I can't wait for the weather to cool down so I can let him play outside more frequently. He is limited to mornings and evenings with our current 100 degree weather. Sissy started school last week, so Collin has been geeting a lot more one-on-one time with mommy. I think he misses his sister, but I know he likes the extra attention he gets when she is not here. He also likes having free reign over all the toys in the playroom.

Happy 10 months buddy! We love you to pieces....

Mommy, Daddy & Mads :-)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Wow, I’ve really slacked off lately! I’d like to say that it is just because we have been so overwhelmingly busy and not because I’ve been lazy, but it’s sort of a combination of both. I’ve actually been really sick for about a week so that’s where the lazy comes in. However, the past month or so has been really crazy too. We’ve had injuries, vacations, softball tournaments, out of town visitors, and a certain someone turned 9 MONTHS OLD…how the heck did that happen so quickly? It’s been a wild ride and we’ve enjoyed every second of it, but I’ve just had no time to sit and blog about it. I’m seizing an opportunity right now…while the kids are with Nanna and Poppy and I should be resting...

I’ll start with the injury…I was sure that Collin would be the first child in our family to have a bloody injury, but Maddie beat him to the punch! While dancing around on the couch to some catchy Fresh Beat Band tune, our little Mads lost her footing and fell smack dab into the edge of our end table. Her mouth caught her fall…in fact there are teeth marks on the table to prove it! The poor girl bit all the way through her bottom lip and pushed her upper front teeth up into her gums. Mommy was almost home from work when I got the call that she had fell…and let me tell you, that is a phone call no mom ever wants to receive. I couldn’t tell who was crying (actually I think both kids were hysterical) but it was one of those cries where you know something is seriously wrong. Daddy took her in for an emergency dental visit. She healed up fairly quickly and we are hoping she won’t lose any of her teeth, although there is a good possibility that at least one will have to be pulled at some point. Within a week, she was pretty much good as new and now (a month later) you can hardly tell anything ever happened. Kids heal so darn quickly…thank GOD!


Just three days after Maddie’s fall, we made a trip down to Orange County for the 2011 Firefighter Olympics hosted by Newport Beach Fire. We stayed at Gramma and Grampa’s house…the kids love it there, although they were a little bummed Gramma and Grampa weren’t around :-( We had a wonderful time (as always) hanging out with all the fire families. The kids had a blast. Maddie played with all the big kids and Collin sat in the dirt. Pure bliss! We made a couple trips to the beach while we were there and even made a stop at the Irvine Spectrum to ride the Ferris Wheel and Carousel (Maddie’s fave). We had a wonderful time at hospitality night at Newport Dunes. Mommy and Collin danced the night away in the sand to the awesome 80s rock band. Mads made a trip to Disneyland with Uncle Andrew and Auntie Katie. The guys won the gold medal this year and daddy played great. It was a wonderful little getaway!


The following week, we had a visit from Chris’ sisters, Carsyn and Sheridyn, from Colorado. We went back down to OC while they were here to hit the beach and go to the OC Fair. Madeline was in heaven with her aunties here to play with her. She sure is crazy about those girls! The weather could not have been more perfect for their visit and everyone got a nice tan. What a wonderful visit with two wonderful girls :-)


In the middle of all of this craziness, our little guy turned 9 months old! I still can’t believe it…he’s growing up way too fast! He still only has two teeth, but doesn’t want to eat any baby food so we feed him whatever we are eating, just cut into tiny pieces. It sure makes outings a little easier now that I can make both the kids turkey sandwiches for lunch and don’t have to worry about baby food. He is standing on his own for longer periods of time now and I’m sure he’ll be taking his first steps soon. He still drives us crazy with his obsession over the stairs. We can gate off the staircase, but the entryway of our house is marble and Collin’s favorite place to hang out is on the steps in the marble entryway. He’s taken some pretty good falls on the steps and has the bruised forehead to show for it, although he still insists on playing there. Yesterday, I bought a plastic play yard to keep in the living room so I can lock him up when I am cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc. I’m going to say it is probably the best thing I have ever purchased because I can completely fence off a portion of our living room so that Collin can’t get to the entryway. I’m sure Collin would freak if I actually used it like a playpen, but it’s serving it’s purpose they way I have it set up now, so we’ll keep it! At 9 months, Collin can say “Mama” and “Dada” and he knows who is who…I actually think he tries to say “Madeline” on occasion…it sounds kind of like “Maadaaa” and he usually yells this to his sister. He is really starting to aggravate her and wants to be right in the middle of everything she is doing all the time. Since we went to the fair, Madeline’s dolls frequently play fair and she takes the time to line them all up precisely in little dollhouse chairs and whatnot which are the rides (super cute)…anyway, Collin always manages to sneak over to where she is playing and destroy her little fair setup and she gets sooooo upset. Anyone who has been to our house knows that their playroom is humongous…Collin has plenty of space to play with his own toys, but he only wants to be where Maddie is and he wants to play with whatever she has…I honestly didn’t think this would be a problem so early on.


Despite all the craziness, I really think we are the happiest we have ever been. I feel like our family is complete. The kids sure keep us busy…and frequently they drive me crazy (especially when daddy is working long stretches), but that is life and the challenging times really make you appreciate the fun times. Kids are only little for such a short period of time and you really need to enjoy these precious moments because time flies by and before you know it, they’re all grown up. I kind of just want my kids to stay like this forever…although if we could cut out the tantrums, that would be nice :-)


Thursday, June 30, 2011

8 Months


Wow! 8 MONTHS!!! I can hardly believe it. Collin sure has grown up a lot over the past 4 weeks. He is now sleeping ALL NIGHT LONG EVERY NIGHT from about 7:00 pm until 5:30 am…if he’d sleep until 6:30 I’d be the happiest mommy in the world, but beggars can’t be choosers so we’ll take it! He eats like a horse…which I’m guessing contributes to his ability to sleep all night without waking…coupled with his constant go-go-go-all-day-long nature. This kid is NON-STOP! If you looked up trouble in the dictionary, his picture would be located there. He is into EVERYTHING and is such a daredevil! Madeline doesn’t make matters any easier as she is CONSTANTLY trying to carry him around. She’s also gotten to be quite possessive with her things now that he can so easily snatch them from her. We’ve had a few altercations… As I predicted, Collin did have his first major injury injuries this past month and has the bruise bruises to show for it. He’s a tough cookie though and has yet to establish any sense of fear of anything! He is an expert crawler and cruiser and can even stand unassisted for a short time. He’s probably going to be walking soon…gasp! I’m in no hurry to meet that milestone. A month of skillful crawling and cruising has just about driven me to drink. I can only imagine the trouble he will get into when he starts walking. He really is such a joy though…he has the sweetest little personality and we just love him to the moon and back. He has a smile that will melt your heart…honest to goodness. What a joyful 8 months we have had!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Can you believe it?!?!?! This little guy turns 7 months old tomorrow. He is now closer to his first birthday than his birth...and I'm a little freaked out! Where did the time go? It's seems like we just barely brought him home. He is turning into such a BIG boy. He is no longer my teeny little baby...and he's meeting milestones like crazy! This past month Collin has not only learned to scoot across the room, but how to pull himself up on furniture and to get into a sitting position from his belly. He is VERY close to crawling on all fours...probably any day now. Yeah, the fun times have begun! He sits in a big boy highchair at restaurants now and eats finger foods. He absolutely LOVES pasta and had his first yogurt this morning (loved it)! I think his absolute favorite food is mashed potatoes and carrots. He jabbers a lot, but just started this new "growl" which is absolutely hilarious. Maddie thinks he is playing dinosaurs with her :-) It reminds me of the HUMMMM my little brother (Andrew) used to do when he was a baby. As far as his "reflux" goes, I think he either outgrew it or never had it at all. We have yet to see a GI doctor (thanks to our medical group's incompetence with referrals), however, I started listening more to my motherly instincts and took him off of all of the reflux meds. I felt like the medicine was not helping and I'm not one to mediciate my children if it's unnecessary. I had a long talk with one of my dad's colleagues who happens to be a pediatric hospitalist at CHOC. She was completely supportive of my decision and recommended taking a more holistic approach. Collin now makes weekly visits to the chiropractor and even visited a holistic healer. I am happy to say that he now sleeps BETTER! On average, he is only waking once a night...however, he is teething, so we have an occasional off-night, but NOTHING like we experienced during months 4, 5 and 6. We were even able to take a camping trip last week and Collin slept wonderfully the entire time. We see his doctor tomorrow and I am interested to see what he has to say about me taking Collin off all the meds. Regardless, our baby is happier and healthier than EVER and we plan to keep him that way!

I'm guessing that my 8 month post will focus on Collin's first injury as I have had to stop typing to remove him from a box in my office 5 times now...he's trying to pull a glass bowl from the top of it...GOD HELP ME!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pretend City

Madeline had a blast at Pretend City in Irvine.

She ran through the pretend house...

Shopped at the pretend Ralphs...

Cooked us pizza at her pretend restaurant...

Farmed some fresh veggies...

...and even checked daddy's blood pressure at the pretend doctor's office!

Her favorite thing of all was pretending to be a "baby doctor."
She's developed a recent obsession with "baby doctors" and says she wants to be one when she grows up. She has watched the last 20 minutes of Knocked Up about 20 times in the last two weeks (the TV version, of course!) and says that she wants to help mommies "get their babies out safely." How cute is that!

This little guy even woke up from his nap to winess some of the chaos.

You can tell he's a little overwhelmed =]

Bath Time Cuteness

Gotta love how much fun these two have together in the bath!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Today our little man turns 6 months old!!! I cannot believe how quickly the past 6 months have flown by…it seems like just yesterday that I was anxiously awaiting his arrival – drinking raspberry tea, walking, bouncing, squatting and doing just about everything else I could think of to get that baby out of my belly! Now, there are days when I wish I could put him back in…I kid, I kid…but a few hours of sleep would be nice! Seriously though, the past 3 months have consisted of exhausting days and sleepless nights. I chuckle when I read my three month post…you know, the one where I brag that Collin “has slept through the night since he was about a month old.” Yeah, I guess I must have jinxed myself because the kid has not slept through the night ONCE in the past 3 months. Actually, he has made a habit of waking up every 1-2 hours (more frequently before midnight…sometimes we get a whopping 3 HOUR stretch from 12-3 and he is WIDE AWAKE at 6:00 every morning) and he continues to nap for less than 45 minutes. He is genuinely happy throughout the day…he loves to play with his sister, jump is his jumperoo, roll around on the floor, and has even started sitting up with minimal assistance. He has really gained control over his hands and grabs just about everything within his reach. He loves to eat and I am proud to say that I am continuing to make all of his food from scratch. His favorites are sweet potatoes and peas...he also loves bananas fresh out of the peel. Regretfully, I had to stop nursing him last week. We made it almost 6 months, which is great but I just wish I could have nursed him a little longer. I blame this solely on his reflux and the fact that I had dwindled my diet down to practically nothing and would still blame myself every time he spit up or had a bad night. He is now on a special formula for reflux babies, which he really likes so I guess that makes it a little easier. However, we still struggle with his reflux and still have sleepless nights. Collin has been on Zantac and Prevacid for two months now. Both seemed to help for a day or two, but then stopped working after that. Last week, we decided to take him off of everything and saw absolutely no change. I gave him some Prevacid last night just to see if it might help, but it didn’t. After bugging his pediatrician for two months, we finally have a referral to see a pediatric gastroenterologist next week. I’m PRAYING that a specialist will be able to help my baby (and that there is nothing more serious going on with him than reflux). I read A LOT of message boards and other postings online and have discovered that reflux is pretty common and that it really is a pain in the ass for a lot of people. We have friends whose kids have struggled with it as well. The good news is that kids always outgrow it, but for some it can take a LONG time. I’m hoping that Collin can get some relief, whether through medication or otherwise, so that he can go back to being that happy and RESTED baby that we enjoyed for three months. I feel horrible for him when he is up all night screaming in pain…and there is NOTHING I can do to soothe him. He is NOT spoiled and is NOT just crying so I will pick him up…although if holding him ALL night would help him sleep better, I would do it. I also feel bad for Maddie and Chris because I am stretched so thin dealing with Collin, I know I am not always pleasant to be around. Thank GOD for coffee!!!

Despite his “issues” Collin is just about the CUTEST and SWEETEST little guy we have ever known. He already has such a personality and is just a joy to be around. He’s a HUGE flirt…he does this little thing with his eyebrows when he smiles and has this cute little dimple in his left cheek that just melts your heart. Here he is in all of his cuteness just being a happy little guy:

I'm going to go out on an optomistic limb here and say that by my 7 month post, our baby will be feeling better and sleeping better...keep your fingers crossed for us!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Last week, our little girl turned 3!!! We can't believe how quickly the past three years have flown by...and what a big girl our sweet little Madeline has become! Here are just a few things going on with our little girl at the age of 3: She is more than half way through her first year of preschool, knows her ABCs and 123s, sleeps through the night all night in her big girl bed, rides a bike, swims confidently with floaties, looooves to dance and sing, is crazy about playing dress up all day every day and we have the laundry to show for it, she loves to wear mommies knee high black boots, is obsessed with Katy Perry, has three blankets that she cannot sleep without, loves to brush and floss her teeth, loves to do her hair (like a princess), keeps mommy on her toes 24/7, is an amazing big sister, would prefer to play outside than watch tv, loves to read books, prefers water to juice and soda, rarely takes naps, loves camping, has tons of best friends, and is pretty much the best daughter we could ever ask for! Happy Birthday BIG girl! We love you!!!