I've been pretty busy since I turned one! Check out what I've been up t0 lately...

The beauty of living in Southern California is that you can be in Ugg boots and a beanie one day, and playing in the hose in your bathing suit the next! It was almost 90 degrees at my house last week, so mommy and daddy let me play in the hose. It sure was fun!

Gramma and Grampa got me a sand and water table for my birthday. Caysen and I play with this table every day! We love to mix the sand and the water together. Caysen uses my play spoons to eat the sand...he's pretty silly!
Gramma and I share a birthday week...our birthdays are just two days apart! We had a bbq for Gramma's birthday at our house. Gramma made all the kids ice cream cone cupcakes. They were sooooooo yummy!!!

Here's a couple more birthday pictures. These were taken on my actual birthday. Mommy and daddy let me eat another cake...this one was chocolate!!! They sang "Happy Birthday" to me and then we all shared my yummy cake. I had a great first birthday!
I love playing in the playhouse Grandpa Mark got me for my birthday. I like to go in and out the door and open and close the windows. Auntie Jen got me this cool princess car. I like to stand on the seat...
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