Monday, November 10, 2008

8 Months Old

Little miss Madeline is 8 months old today! Both Maddie and mommy have colds, so we are pretty miserable, but I wanted to post some recent pictures of Maddie and her newest thrills. Check 'em out! Double trouble! Missy loves looking at herself in the mirror. Sometimes I catch her just standing there and smiling at herself. It's pretty cute.
Maddie and Caysen (both are getting so big!)

Which one of my toys should I play with? Usually, she just dumps the whole bin over and then moves on to something else!

She loves her activity table...

...and talking on the phone!
Yes, we even made her a ball pit in the living room (SPOILED!) She is warming up to it. At first, she was all about it, then decided she wanted nothing to do with it, but now she is crazy about it again. Maybe it is because she has been sick. We'll see...

There's my messy eater again... she is so silly!
This will be a busy week for us, as we have Auntie Jen's wedding coming up on Sunday. Grandpa Mark is coiming to stay with us all the way from Colorado! We'll be sure to post some pictures of the week's activities and the wedding!

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