Today our baby boy is 3 MONTHS OLD!

I can't believe it has already been three months since he joined our family. In such a short time, he has become such an important part of our lives and we couldn't imagine life without him.
I can't believe it has already been three months since he joined our family. In such a short time, he has become such an important part of our lives and we couldn't imagine life without him.
He is a very happy baby most of the time, but when he cries, he cries LOUD!
He loves to lay on his blanket and talk to mommy, daddy and Madeline.
He is madly in love with his mommy. He'll smile and coo at just about anyone, but if someone takes him from mommy, he loses his mind!

He's slept through the night since he was about a month old, but he never naps longer than 30 minutes (unless he's in his carseat). He looooves car rides and is an amazing traveler. He nurses and takes bottles with ease. He has a love/hate relationship with his pacifier.

He is crazy about the bouncy seat at gramma's (he loves it so much, we had to take it home). He always calms down for Jack Johnson and has been known to fall asleep listening to tunes on mommy or daddy's iPhone.

He loves his Sophie (his very first toy).

He's pretty much the sweetest little guy we've ever known and we love him so very much!
He's pretty much the sweetest little guy we've ever known and we love him so very much!
Happy 3 months little man! Love, Mommy, Daddy & Mads