On Saturday, Redlands Fire Department hosted its 3rd annual family barbeque at Yucaipa Regional Park. I'm pretty sure Madeline had the most fun at this picnic that she has ever had in her entire life! There were two bounce houses for the kids (one was the same we had at her birthday party), plus we flew kites, played baseball, and ate lots of yummy food! She had so much fun bouncing with all the big kids in the bounce houses. She was especially chummy with the Bristol boys...there were even a few smooches in between bouncing! Mommy and daddy had a ball playing with all the kids, but we were both EXHAUSTED at the end of the day. Madeline was pretty tuckered out too, but she always seems to have more energy than the two of us combined! All in all, it was a wonderful afternoon at the park and we can't wait for next year!
Madeline went swimming in her pool this weekend. She was so crazy for the water that she jumped in the pool with all of her clothes on while mommy was tying to fill it up! Doesn't she look adorable in her Roxy bikini?
For Chris' b-day, we took a little weekend trip to Vegas. We had a GREAT time! Our flight was a little delayed (4 hours!) but we killed some time in the airport bar. The whole weekend was compliments of Hard Rock...dinner, hotel, everything! Plus, we even won a little money! We met up with the RFD crew on Saturday night for a surprise 30th birthday for Chad. We ended up dancing the night away at Body English...by Sunday morning, mommy was exhausted and missing her little munchkin. It was our first time leaving Miss Madeline for more than a night and we were sooooo happy to see her when we picked her up on Sunday. She had a blast with gramma, grampa, Andrew and Katie though!